We worship and praise God for what God has done for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We at Zion Lutheran Church use the church year to help form us spiritually as disciples of Jesus.
We use the church year because each season gives us a different perspective of how God established a relationship with us and calls us to discipleship in Jesus.
We are currently in the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany begins on January 6th and ends with Transfiguration Sunday on March 2nd. The season of Epiphany celebrates the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, the savior, as particularly seen through his miracles.
To help you walk your Spiritual Path we offer Labyrinths to deepen your relationship with God. The two different labyrinths we offer are an indoor Santa Rosa Labyrinth and an outdoor Cretan Labyrinth.
Lutherans form the Christian person through worship, catechesis, and individual prayer. Praying the Lutheran rosary which is based upon the six chief parts of the Catechism gives us an opportunity to combine catechesis and individual prayer. For more details on the actual form check out the ELCA website.
10857 Main Street ~ P.O. Box 434 ~ New Middletown, Ohio 44442
Office Email: zionnewmiddletown@gmail.com